B47HA R/C & SIM DIVISION JEFF JANKOVICS EMAIL: ceo@bell47helicopterassociation.org

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FROM JEFF: I’d like to acknowledge two add-on programs that made some of these screenshots possible Flight One Software’s Heli-Traffic 2009 and Active Camera. Heli-Traffic allows you incredible freedom of choosing any one or as many different model helicopters that you already have in your Microsoft Flight Simulator program. AI (Atrificial Intelligence) helicopter traffic brings amazing interactive flight activity, such as realistic take-offs and landings, including hovering of any rotorcraft that you choose, which can make for some exciting and challenging formation flying. You can also direct the AI helicopters to land and take off anywhere you choose, on or off an airfield or airstrip. Active Camera gives you the freedom to place your camera anywhere inside the cockpit or anywhere outside the aircraft, to create some amazing screenshots.